The Doge on the Bucintoro near the Riva di Sant'Elena

Francesco Guardi

Francesco Lazzaro Guardi was an Italian painter of veduta, nobleman, and a member of the Venetian School. He is considered to be among the last practitioners, along with his brothers, of the classic Venetian school of painting.

Max Resolution:1000×689 PX

Title:The Doge on the Bucintoro near the Riva di Sant'Elena

Artists:Francesco Guardi

Date:1766 - 1770




Location:Louvre, Paris, France

Dimensions:66×100 cm

Copyright:Public domain

The Doge on the Bucintoro near the Riva di Sant'Elena (also known as The Departure of the Bucentaur for the Ascension Day Ceremony, and other similar titles) is an oil on canvas by Venetian painter Francesco Guardi, a member of the Venetian School. It was painted between 1766 and 1770, and is currently held and exhibited at the Louvre in Paris.

This painting entered the Louvre as a result of a confiscation in 1797 of the Count Joseph François Xavier de Pestre de Seneffe 1797's collection. It was selected by the Louvre, with eleven other paintings in the same series, at the Hôtel de Nesle; it was then sent to the Muséum de Toulouse (now a museum of natural history), which subsequently handed it back to the Louvre in exchange for a portrait by Ingres and another painting by Guardi, in 1952.

This work is one of a series of twelve paintings representing the Solennità dogali (The Doge's Solemnities), in which the artist has faithfully copied the scenes drawn by Giovanni Antonio Canal and engraved by Giambattista Brustolon to commemorate the festivities at the coronation of the Doge Alvise Giovanni Mocenigo, in 1763. This has led to some confusion, and the canvases were formerly attributed to Canaletto, though their style was quite unmistakably that of Guardi.

Under the First French Empire, the series was unfortunately broken up: seven remained in the Louvre, one was sent to Brussels, two to Nantes, one to Toulouse and one to Grenoble. The return in 1952 of the Toulouse painting to the Louvre, through the aforementioned exchange, has been the first step in an attempt to reassemble the set and display them in a special room. Today ten paintings of the series are exhibited in the Louvre.

This painting and another in the series represent the Festa della Sensa, the most sumptuous of all Venetian festivals. It took place each year on Ascension Day, the anniversary of the setting out of Doge Pietro II Orseolo's expedition, which achieved the conquest of Dalmatia in c. 1000. It was also a celebration of the Treaty of Venice of 1177 with the Doge Sebastiano Ziani, Pope Alexander III and the Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick Barbarossa. In a magnificent state barge, known in fact as the Bucentaur (It. Bucintoro), the Doge visited the Lido and celebrated the Marriage of the Sea ceremony of Venice with the Adriatic Sea, by casting a ring into the waters.

This particular canvas shows the Bucentaur leaving Venice. Another in the series represents the Doge going to hear Mass at San Nicolò al Lido.