Caprice decorative frames in the middle of a wall with a oval in the upper left a barrel and a hand pours a drink, the lower a syringe, a club, a caduceus, a censer smoke, an hourglass, skulls and bones

Giovanni Battista Piranesi

Giovanni Battista (also Giambattista) Piranesi was an Italian artist famous for his etchings of Rome.

Max Resolution:1500×1090 PX

Title:Caprice decorative frames in the middle of a wall with a oval in the upper left a barrel and a hand pours a drink, the lower a syringe, a club, a caduceus, a censer smoke, an hourglass, skulls and bones

Original Title:Capriccio decorativo: in mezzo una parete con cornici ad ovali, in alto a sinistra un barile e una mano che mesce da bere; in basso una siringa, una clava, un caduceo, un incensiere fumante, una clessidra, teschi ed ossami

Artists:Giovanni Battista Piranesi




Copyright:Public domain