Interior view of the tomb of St. Constance made ​​by Constantine the Great and erroneously called the Temple of Bacchus, now in the church of the same Holy

Giovanni Battista Piranesi

Giovanni Battista (also Giambattista) Piranesi was an Italian artist famous for his etchings of Rome.

Max Resolution:1500×1116 PX

Title:Interior view of the tomb of St. Constance made ​​by Constantine the Great and erroneously called the Temple of Bacchus, now in the church of the same Holy

Original Title:Veduta interna del sepolcro di S. Costanza fabbricato da Costantino Magno ed erroneamente detto il Tempio di Bacco, in oggi chiesa della medesima Santa

Artists:Giovanni Battista Piranesi



Copyright:Public domain