

Artworks from around the world

Caravaggio , 1608 - 1609
Resurrection of Lazarus
Caravaggio , 1609
Adoration of the Shepherds
Caravaggio , c.1608
Portrait of Alof de Wignacourt and his Page
Caravaggio , 1608
Sleeping Cupid
Caravaggio , 1608
Portrait of Fra Antionio Martelli
Caravaggio , 1608
Burial of Saint Lucy
Caravaggio , 1608
Beheading of Saint John the Baptist
Caravaggio , 1608
Caravaggio , 1607
The Seven Works of Mercy
Caravaggio , c.1607
Salome with the Head of John the Baptist
Caravaggio , 1607
Saint Jerome Writing
Caravaggio , 1607
Madonna of the Rosary (Madonna del Rosario)
Caravaggio , c.1607
Flagellation of Christ
Caravaggio , 1607
Crucifixion of Saint Andrew
Caravaggio , c.1607
Christ at the Column
Caravaggio , 1606
Supper at Emmaus
Caravaggio , c.1606
Saint Francis in Meditation
Caravaggio , 1606
Madonna and Child with St. Anne
Caravaggio , c.1605
Saint Jerome Writing
Caravaggio , c.1605
Ecce Homo
Caravaggio , 1605
Christ on the Mount of Olives
Caravaggio , c.1604
Madonna of Loreto
Caravaggio , 1601 - 1603
The Death of the Virgin
Caravaggio , c.1603
Entombment of Christ
Caravaggio , 1603
Crowning with Thorns
Caravaggio , 1602
Taking of Christ
Caravaggio , 1602
Supper at Emmaus
Caravaggio , 1602
Saint Matthew and the Angel
Caravaggio , 1602
Sacrifice of Isaac
Caravaggio , 1602
Inspiration of Saint Matthew