Portrait of Pierre Seriziat the artist's brother-in-law

Jacques-Louis David

Jacques-Louis David was a French painter in the Neoclassical style, considered to be the preeminent painter of the era.

Max Resolution:800×1101 PX

Title:Portrait of Pierre Seriziat the artist's brother-in-law

Artists:Jacques-Louis David





Location:Louvre, Paris, France

Dimensions:129×95.5 cm

Copyright:Public domain

The Portrait of Pierre Seriziat (or Sériziat) is a 1795 oil canvas portrait by French artist Jacques Louis David. The portrait shows an elegant and wealthy Frenchman, Pierre Seriziat, seated outdoors on top of a rock. The painting is one of pair done by David for Seriziat and his wife Emilie. The companion piece, Portrait of Emilie Seriziat, shows a woman in a white dress indoors, holding flowers in one hand and the hand of a child in the other. Both painting are held in the Louvre in Paris.

Brookner, Anita, Jacques-Louis David, London: Chatto &Windus, 1980; New York,
N.Y.: Thames and Hudson, 1980, 1987.

“Jacques-Louis David.” Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online
Academic Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2015. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.

"Portrait of Pierre Seriziat (1757-1847) Jacques Louis-David" Inc., n.d. Web.