The Esterhazy Madonna


Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, known as Raphael, was an Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance. His work is admired for its clarity of form, ease of composition

Max Resolution:672×950 PX

Title:The Esterhazy Madonna


Date:c.1507 - 1508

Style:High Renaissance

Genre:religious painting


Location:Budapest Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary

Dimensions:29×21.5 cm

Copyright:Public domain

The Esterhazy Madonna is a 1508 painting by Raphael, held at the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest, in Hungary. It was stolen on the night of 5 November 1983, along with other works by Raphael, Giorgione, Tintoretto and Tiepolo - all the works, including this one, were recovered by the Italian Carabinieri in an abandoned Greek convent near Aigio.