Head of Christ


Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn was a Dutch draughtsman, painter, and printmaker. An innovative and prolific master in three media, he is generally considered one of the greatest visual artists in the history of art and the most important in Dutch art history.

Max Resolution:634×750 PX

Title:Head of Christ


Date:c.1650 - 1652


Genre:religious painting


Location:Gemäldegalerie, Berlin, Germany

Dimensions:60×75.2 cm

Copyright:Public domain

The Head of Christ is a 1648 painting by the Dutch artist Rembrandt, based on a Jewish model and thus marking a turning-point in the artist's work. It is now in the Gemäldegalerie in Berlin.

There are multiple versions of Rembrandt's Head of Christ which compose an international collection of paintings in the possession of a number of different cultural institutions and individuals. These similar heads in varying poses were possibly created as devotional objects. Today about a dozen are known, but only this one is considered by the RRP to be by the master's hand. This one came into the collection via a bequest by Herr and Frau Martin Bromberg of Hamburg.

This painting was documented by Hofstede de Groot in 1914, who wrote; "158. HEAD OF CHRIST. B.-HdG. 413. Turned three-quarters left. The head is slightly inclined. Long dark curls and a short full beard. In a reddish-brown cloak. Half-length, without the hands, about half life size. Painted about 1656-58. Oak panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. Mentioned by Michel, pp. 451, 443, 563 [270, 343, 435]. Sale. John Henderson, London, February 13, 1882. In the collection of Rodolphe Kann, Paris, 1907 catalogue, p. 72 ; bought as a whole in 1907 by the dealers Duveen Brothers. In the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, 1911 catalogue, No. 811C; presented by Herr and Frau Martin Bromberg of Hamburg."

During WWII the painting was stored in a vault along with most of the paintings that were in the Kaiser Friedrich Museum located at what is today the Bode Museum. After the war it was recovered and returned to West-Berlin, which is how it came to be in the collection of the Gemäldegalerie. In 1959 it was stolen, but recovered 2 years later. The painting was included in most Rembrandt catalogs of the 20th-century, only recently being its exclusive status as the only surviving copy by the master's hand in the RRP catalog. It is, however, still connected with Rembrandt's workshop and is grouped together with all the other versions. It was included in the 2011 exhibition "Rembrandt and the Face of Jesus" held in the museums of Detroit (DIA), Philadelphia (PMA) and Paris (Louvre) April 21, 2011–February 12, 2012, cat. no. 35.