Anthony van Dyck Paintings & Artworks

There are a total of 248 Anthony van Dyck Paintings & Artworks


The Wife and Daughter of Colyn de Nole
St Jerome
St George and the Dragon
Saint Bartholomew
Rubens mourning his wife
Profile Study Of A Bearded Old Man
Portrait of the Three Eldest Children of Charles I
Portrait of Pieter Bruegel the Younger
Portrait of Marcello Durazzo
Portrait of Endymion Porter
Portrait Of A Monk Of The Benedictine Order, Holding A Skull
Portrait of a Military Commander bust length in Profile in Damascened armour with white colland red sash
Portrait of a Married Couple
Portrait of a Lady
Portrait of a Gentleman, Putting on his Gloves
Nicolaas Rockox
Marie Clarisse, Wife of Jan Woverius, with Their Child
Lucas Vorsterman
Jupiter and Antiope
Johan Oxenstierna
Evangelist John
Avenue in the country
Daedalus and Icarus
Lady Elizabeth Thimbelby and her Sister
Saint Rosalie Interceding for the Plague-stricken of Palermo
Saint Rosalie
Mary Ruthven Lady van Dyck
Bishop Jan Van Malderen
Christ And St Peter By Van Dyck
Virgin and Child with Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Diana and her Nymph surprised by Satyr
Portrait of Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand of Austria
Portrait of a Man in Armor
Thetis Receiving the Weapons of Achilles from Hephaestus
The Madonna and Child
Drunken Silenus supported by Satyrs
The Abbe Scaglia adoring the Virgin and Child
Saint Jerome
Portrait of Maria de Tassis
Portrait of Antonio de Tassis
Portrait of a Lady
Christ of the Coin
Vertumnus and Pomona
Portrait of George Gage with Two Attendants
William Feilding 1st Earl of Denbigh
The Virgin as Intercessor
The Apostle Simon
Virgin and Child
Portrait of George, Baron Goring
Queen Henrietta Maria
Saint Jerome
Portrait of a Woman and Child
Portrait of Francois Langlois
Portrait of a Woman
Portrait of Giovanni Battista Cattaneo
Portrait of the Abbe Scaglia
The Balbi Children
Portrait of Agostino Pallavicini