Bartolome Esteban Murillo Paintings & Artworks

There are a total of 194 Bartolome Esteban Murillo Paintings & Artworks


Vision of a nun
Virgin glorious
Virgin and Child
Two Kids are fighting
The Virgin And Infant Jesus
The Prodigal Son Receives His Rightful Inheritance
The Madonna of the Rosary
The Infant Jesus, between the Virgin and St. Joseph
The Infant Jesus, between the Virgin and St. Joseph
The Immaculate Conception
The Good Shepherd Child
The Flight into Egypt
Sleeping man
San Salvador de Horta, and inquisitor of Aragon
Saint Isidore
Saint Francis and Angels
Saint Augustine in meditation
Saint Anthony Of Padua Adore The Child
Saint Anthony Of Padua Adore The Child
Repentant Magdalene with an angel
Promenade St. Joseph and The Infant Jesus
Praying Monk
Portrait of a Child
Old Woman with a Hen
Mother of Sorrows
Man sitting
The Immaculate Conception and heads outlined
Game Dealers
Daniel in the lions' den
Christ The Column
Child watching a dog
Child sitting
Battle of Centaurs and Greek
Appearance of the Christ Child to Saint Anthony of Padua
Adoration of the Shepherds
A saint kneeling and supported by angels, in ecstasy before the Virgin and Child on a Cloud
The Nativity with the Annunciation to the Shepherds Beyond
Drawing I
The cooker
The prodigal son abandoned
St. Paul's Head
Child Jesus
Archangel Michael plunges the devil into the abyss
Date:1675 - 1682
The Two Trinities
Date:1680 - 1682
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine
Date:1675 - 1682
The Martyrdom of St. Andrew
Date:1675 - 1682
Date:1675 - 1682
The Conversion of Saint Paul
Saint Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata
Date:1675 - 1680
Virgin and Child
Date:c.1675 - 1680
Virgin and Child
Date:1660 - 1680
The Annunciation
Date:1675 - 1680
Infant Christ Offering a Drink of Water to St John
The Madonna of the Rosary
Date:c.1672 - c.1678
Ecce Homo
Thomas of Villanova giving alms to the poors
The Infant Jesus Distributing Bread to Pilgrims
The Aranjuez Immaculate Conception