Benozzo Gozzoli Paintings & Artworks

There are a total of 144 Benozzo Gozzoli Paintings & Artworks


The Raising of Lazarus (detail)
Date:1459 - 1460
The Vigil of the Shepherds (detail)
The Raising of Lazarus
Tabernacle of the Visitation: Expultion of Joachim from the Temple
Tabernacle of the Visitation: Meeting at the Golden Gate
Tabernacle of the Visitation: Annunciation: the Archangel Gabriel
Tabernacle of the Visitation: Birth of Mary
Tabernacle of the Visitation: Annunciation to Joachim
Tabernacle of the Visitation: Annunciation: Mary
Descent from the Cross
Madonna and Child Enthroned Among St.
Date:1469 - 1484
The Vintage and Drunkenness of Noah
Date:1460 - 1485
Madonna and Child
Date:1468 - 1484
The Triumph of St. Thomas Aquinas
Tabernacle of the Madonna delle Tosse: Maria lactans
Tabernacle of the Madonna delle Tosse: Maria lactans (detail)
Tabernacle of the Madonna delle Tosse: Four Evangelists
Tabernacle of the Madonna delle Tosse: Death of Mary
Tabernacle of the Madonna delle Tosse: Assumption of the Virgin
Date:1464 - 1466
Tabernacle of the Condemned
Overall view of the Tabernacle of the Madonna delle Tosse
Date:1464 - 1465
Visit to the Monks of Mount Pisano
Date:1464 - 1465
View of the Right Hand Wall of the Chapel
Date:1464 - 1465
View of the Vaults
Date:1464 - 1465
View of the Left Hand Wall of the Chapel
Date:1464 - 1465
Upper Portions of the East (window) Wall
Date:1464 - 1465
View of the Apsidal Chapel of Sant'Agostino. Cycle of St. Augustine
Date:1464 - 1465
Tobias and the Fish
Date:1464 - 1465
The School of Tagaste
Date:1464 - 1465
The School of Tagaste (detail)
Date:1464 - 1465
The School of Tagaste
Date:1464 - 1465
The Four Evangelists
Date:1464 - 1465
The Parable of the Holy Trinity and the Visit to the Monks of Mount Pisano
Date:1464 - 1465
St.Matthew (detail of The Four Evangelists)
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Sebastian
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Sebastian Intercessor
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Nicholas of Tolentino
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Monica
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Nicholas of Bari
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Luke (detail of The Four Evangelists)
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Mark (detail of The Four Evangelists)
Date:1464 - 1465
St. John (detail of The Four Evangelists)
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Fina
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Gimignano
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Bartolus
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Augustine Reading the Epistle of St. Paul
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Augustine's Vision of St. Jerome
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Augustine Reading Rhetoric and Philosophy at the School of Rome (detail)
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Augustine Leaving His Mother
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Augustine Reading Rhetoric and Philosophy at the School of Rome
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Augustine Departing for Milan (detail)
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Augustine Departing for Milan (detail)
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Augustine Departing for Milan
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Augustine Departing for Milan (detail)
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Augustine Departing for Milan
Date:1464 - 1465
Scenes with St. Ambrose (detail)
Date:1464 - 1465
St. Augustine at the University of Carthage
Date:1464 - 1465
Raphael and Tobias
Date:1464 - 1465
Funeral of St. Augustine
Martyrdom of St. Sebastian