Duccio paintings & artworks

There are a total of 134 Duccio paintings & artworks


Date:1308 - 1311
Madonna and Child on a throne (Front side fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Madonna and Child on a throne (Front side fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Madonna and Child on a throne
Date:1308 - 1311
Lamentation of Christ (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Healing the man born blind (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Flagellation of Christ (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Flagellation of Christ
Date:1308 - 1311
Entry into Jerusalem (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Entry into Jerusalem (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Entry into Jerusalem (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Descent into Hell (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Descent into Hell (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Descent into Hell
Date:1308 - 1311
Descent from the Cross (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Descent from the Cross
Date:1308 - 1311
Crucifixion (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Crucifixion (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Crucifixion (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Coronation of the Virgin
Date:1308 - 1311
Christ preaches the Apostles (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Christ preaches the Apostles
Date:1308 - 1311
Christ on the road to Emmaus (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Christ in front of Anna (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Christ in front of Anna
Date:1308 - 1311
Christ before Pilate (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Christ before Pilate
Date:1308 - 1311
Christ before Caiaphas (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Christ before Caiaphas
Date:1308 - 1311
Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalene (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Christ Appearing to Mary
Date:1308 - 1311
Christ and the Samaritan woman (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Carrying of the Cross
Date:1308 - 1311
Date:1308 - 1311
Assumption (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Arrest of Christ (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Arrest of Christ
Date:1308 - 1311
Appearance of Christ to the apostles (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Appearance of Christ to the apostles (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Appearance of Christ to the apostles (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Appearance of Christ to the apostles (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Appearance of Christ to the apostles (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Appearance of Christ to the apostles (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Apostle Simon
Date:1308 - 1311
Apostle Philip
Date:1308 - 1311
Apostle Matthias
Date:1308 - 1311
Apostle Jacob
Date:1308 - 1311
Apostle Andrew
Date:1308 - 1311
Annunciation (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Annunciation (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Agony in the Garden (Fragment)
Date:1308 - 1311
Agony in the Garden
Date:1308 - 1311
Adoration of the Magi (Fragment)
Date:1300 - 1310
The Madonna and Child with Saints
The Crucifixion
Date:1305 - 1308
Scenes from Passion of Christ
Date:1282 - 1307
The Madonna and Child with Angels
Date:1295 - 1305
Madonna and Child
Date:1300 - 1305
Madonna with Angels