Fra Angelico Paintings & Artworks

There are a total of 168 Fra Angelico Paintings & Artworks


Date:1440 - 1442
Date:1440 - 1442
Resurrection of Christ and Women at the Tomb
Date:1441 - 1442
Nailing of Christ to the Cross
Date:1440 - 1442
Noli Me Tangere
Date:1440 - 1442
Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
Date:1441 - 1442
Institution of the Eucharist
Date:1440 - 1442
Lamentation over Christ
Date:1441 - 1442
Crucifixion with the Virgin, Mary Magdalene and St. Dominic
Crucifixion with St. Dominic Flagellating Himself
Date:1441 - 1442
Crucifixion with the Virgin and Sts. Cosmas, John the Evangelist and Peter Martyr
Date:1441 - 1442
Crucifixion with Mourners and Sts. Dominic and Thomas Aquinas
Crucifixion with St. Dominic
Date:1440 - 1442
Crucified Christ with the Virgin, St. John the Evangelist and Cardinal Juan de Torquemada
Date:1441 - 1442
Crucifixion and Saints
Date:1441 - 1442
Christ in Limbo
Date:1441 - 1442
Adoration of the Magi
Date:1440 - 1442
Date:1440 - 1441
The Mocking of Christ
Date:1440 - 1441
The Coronation of the Virgin
Date:1436 - 1441
Lamentation over Christ
Date:1440 - 1441
Date:1438 - 1440
The Healing of Palladia by Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian
Date:1438 - 1440
St. Thomas Aquinas
Date:1438 - 1440
The Healing of Justinian by Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian
Date:1438 - 1440
St. Roche
Date:1438 - 1440
St. Romuald
Date:1438 - 1440
St. Jerome
Date:1438 - 1440
St. Peter Martyr
Date:1438 - 1440
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Date:1438 - 1440
Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian Crucifixed and Stoned
Date:1438 - 1440
Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian Salvaged
Date:1438 - 1440
Sepulchring of Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian
Date:1438 - 1440
Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian Condamned
Date:1438 - 1440
Date:1438 - 1440
Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian before Lisius
Date:1437 - 1440
Deposition from the Cross
Date:1438 - 1440
Beheading of Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian
Date:1435 - 1436
Madonna with the Child and Angels
Cortona Polyptych
Virgin and Child with Sts. Dominic and Catherine of Alexandria
Saint Anthony the Abbot Tempted by a Lump of Gold
Date:1434 - 1435
The Naming of St. John the Baptist
Virgin and Child
Date:1434 - 1435
The Meeting of Sts. Dominic and Francis of Assisi
Date:1434 - 1435
The Apostle St. James the Great Freeing the Magician Hermogenes
Date:1434 - 1435
The Burial of the Virgin and the Reception of Her Soul in Heaven
Date:1434 - 1435
The Coronation of the Virgin
Madonna and Child
Date:1434 - 1435
Coronation of the Virgin (detail)
Date:1434 - 1435
Coronation of the Virgin (detail)
Date:1434 - 1435
Coronation of the Virgin (detail)
Date:1434 - 1435
Coronation of the Virgin (detail)
Date:1434 - 1435
Coronation of the Virgin
Annalena Altarpiece
Date:1433 - 1434
Date:1433 - 1434
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
Date:1433 - 1434
The Virgin Consigns the Habit to St. Dominic
Date:1433 - 1434
Death of the Virgin
Date:1433 - 1434
Marriage of the Virgin