Francisco de Zurbaran Paintings & Artworks

There are a total of 154 Francisco de Zurbaran Paintings & Artworks


Virgin of the Rosary
The Child Jesus in the spine
St. Jerome
St. Engracia
St. Dorothy
St. Catherine of Alexandria
St. Carmel
St. Barbe
Scene From The Life Of Saint Pierre Theophile
Sainte Marine
Saint Mathilda
Saint Lucy
Portrait of a boy (The Duke of Medinaceli)
Old woman spinning
Flight into Egypt
Death of a religious
Brother Alonso de Ocana
Adoration of the Shepherds
St. Ignatius Loyola
The Eucharist
The Apotheosis of Saint Thomas Aquinas
Saint Francis of Assisi in His Tomb
The Infant Christ
Saint Margaret of Antioch
Christ crowning Saint Joseph
Saint Francis
Saint Dorothy full-length holding a basket of apples and roses
Allegory of Charity
Still Life with Glass, Fruit, and Jar
The Virgin of the caves
Saint Luke as a Painter before Christ on the Cross
The Child Virgin Asleep
The Virgin and Child with the Infant St John the Baptist
Saint Elizabeth of Portugal
St. Lawrence
Portrait of Santa Casilda
The Annunciation
Saint Ursula
Fray Pedro de Ona
Immaculate Conception
The Crucifixion
Saint Elizabeth of Thuringia
Hercules Fighting the Cretan Bull
Saint Eufemia
Hercules Fighting the Erymanthian Boar
Hercules Fighting with the Leranean Hydra
Christ Blessing
Hercules Wrestling with Antaeus
Hercules Separates the Mountains Calpe and Abyla
Hercules Defeats the King Geryon
Saint Jacob
Hercules and Cerberus
Hercules Diverts the River Alpheus
Martyrdom of Saint James
Portrait of Doctor Juan Martinez Serrano, full length
The Mystic Marriage Of Saint Catherine Of Alexandria
Tears of Saint Peter
The Levitation of Saint Francis
Fray Pedro Machado