Giovanni Battista Piranesi Etchings & Artworks

There are a total of 1346 Giovanni Battista Piranesi Etchings & Artworks


Friezes of Etruscan tombs of Tarquinia
Frieze Hippogriffs ancient marble in the courtyard of the palace of the Valley
Frames and gutters
Fragment of an architrave and frieze, capitals of columns and pieces
Fragment of a shield fell from above Trophies
Fourth side of the pedestal of the same column
Fourth side of the pedestal of the same column
Fourth side of the pedestal of the same column
Four sides of the sedan, a clock, two candlesticks, table wall
Forum of Augustus
Following the above table, with a special section
Following the above table
Following the above table
Following the above table
Flora of dressing the hair in place
Flora Farnese
Floor Plan of the Surgeon at Pompeii
Floor plan of the great Temple of Isis, its atrium, its triclinium and other adjacent buildings
Floor plan for the great Temple of Isis
Floor Plan
Five friezes
Fireplace: vessels in the frieze and sides, palms and garlands
Fireplace: two vases on the sides with snakes
Fireplace: two sides of the well-head lion paws of a lion in a rich wing
Fireplace: two medals in the frieze of garlanded a figure lying on a bed
Fireplace: trophies with sphinxes in the sides, to which the lower two figures are set against Egypt, in the interior, full wing
Fireplace: stage three masks in the frieze between two medallions with the Graces, in the interior, full wing
Fireplace: on the frieze of acanthus leaf between two horns, dolphins and sphinxes
Fireplace: on each side two standing figures, a naked and draped, a rich interior wing
Fireplace: in the frieze, three masks; a rich interior wing
Fireplace: in the frieze, sacrificing two fauns, including winged genii; high on the wall, the figure of a woman lying in a shell
Fireplace: in the frieze rython to two horse heads, hips 4 caryatids
Fireplace: in the frieze of Medusa heads 3 horns of plenty joined by the sides of Aries heads
Fireplace: in the frieze of a Medusa`s head between two swans, flanked by two centaurs in the race, a rich interior wing
Fireplace: in the frieze horse skull between two cameos; rich interior wing
Fireplace: in the center of the frieze figures of warriors standing up on each side, top, two small figures of goddesses sitting on cameos head of Medusa
Fireplace: In a garland frieze between two eagles above the plane of a clock
Fireplace: frieze with ribbing and scrapers, and a Greek, a rich interior wing
Fireplace: frieze on a medal with his imperial backhand; inside wing with two winged Victories
Fireplace: frieze of scrolls and sea horses with central mask, a rich interior wing
Fireplace: four pairs in the frieze of dolphins addressed; a rich interior wing
Fireplace: busts in the frieze of satyrs and the head of Medusa in the center between two eagles
Fireplace, two greyhounds, squatting, on the sides, and the Roman she-wolf in the frieze
Fireplace with two large lire on the sides, and four rams` heads in the frieze
Fireplace with garland frieze applicant and cameos
Fireplace with draped figures and horns of plenty at the hips, and a medallion on the frieze and two heads in profile between two fasces
Fireplace with cameos frieze; forward to it, on a sheet of paper, another fireplace decorated with Medusa heads and winged figures with lyre
Fireplace with a large ornate metal wing
Fireplace with a frieze of serpents and winged figures above the hips bucranes
Fireplace with a frieze of masks, winged figures at the hips; other way smaller inferiorly
Fireplace with a frieze of griffins; hips candlestick
Fireplace with a frieze of armor; heron in a shell at the center between two dragons
Fireplace with a cameo in the frieze and border of small acorns, rich wing
Fireplace topped by a large Egyptian-style caryatids, from a variety of decorative elements
Fireplace that has a second floor on the frieze of putti cavalcanti dolphins and sea monsters, a rich interior wing
Fireplace in egyptian-style, on each side of a sacred cow in profile with her head toward the fire
Fireplace Egyptian-style: three seated figures on each side
Fireplace Egyptian style, the sides two seated figures in profile, facing outwards