Giovanni Battista Piranesi Etchings & Artworks

There are a total of 1346 Giovanni Battista Piranesi Etchings & Artworks


The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XXX. Inscriptions, sarcophagi and other objects found in burial chambers earlier, etc..
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XXVIII. Stones, sarcophagi and other objects found in burial chambers above.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XXVII. Urns, vases, sarcophagi and various objects found in burial chambers above (figures carved from Barbault).
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XXVI. View in perspective of a previous goal of the burial chamber (Drawing by Antonio Buonamici, inc. By Girolamo Rossi).
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XXV. Details of the ornaments of the burial chambers above (inc. by Girolamo Rossi).
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XXIX. Fragments of sculptures and various objects found in burial chambers above.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XXIV. More insight into the burial chambers above (Drawing by Antonio Buonamici, inc. By Girolamo Rossi).
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XXIII. Cutaway view of the previous burial chambers.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XXII. View the remains of burial chambers above.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XXI. Plan of the burial chambers of `freedmen and servants of the family of Augustus, situated on the Appian Way a mile from the Port of St. Sebastiano.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XX. Plan, elevation and cross section of a tomb on the ancient Appian Way in the Vineyard Buonamici.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XVIII. A view of the same mausoleum.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XVII. Circumference of the earth and plant the previous exterior façade of the mausoleum.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XVI. Plan and section of the Mausoleum of S. Emperor Constantine`s mother Helena ta, on the Via Labicana.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XV. View of a large boulder, a relic of the Tomb of the Family? Metelli on the Appian Way about five miles from the Porta S. Sebastian, in the Hamlet of S. Maria Nuova, etc.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XLVIII. Decorative details of the walls of the room above.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XLVII. Decorative details of the walls of the room above.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XLVI. Inner wall of the Pyramid of Caius Cestius`s Room.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XLV. Cross-section of the Pyramid of Caius Cestius.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XLIX. Decorative details of the walls of the room above.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XLIV. Pyramid of Caius Cestius map at the Port of St. Paolo.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XLIII. Nuts, fragments of sculpture, columns, capitals found in excavations around the pyramid of Caius Cestius.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XLII. Following the pre-registration.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XLI. Registration of the Mausoleum of Caius Cestius.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XL. View of the Pyramid of Caius Cestius.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XIX. Grand porphyry urn with a lid, found in the Mausoleum of S. ta Elena and currently in the Cloister of St. Thur. Lateran.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XIV. View of a tomb outside Porta del Popolo on the ancient Via Cassia called by the vulgar: the tomb of Nero.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XIII. Plan of the Tomb of Plautius Family Via Tiburtina near Ponte Lugano.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XII. View of the Family Tomb of Plautius on the road leading from Rome to Tivoli near Ponte Lugano.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XI. Membership of the Mausoleum of the Family in Ponte de Plauzij Lugano.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate X. Tomb of the three brothers in Albano Curiazj.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate VIII. View the remains of `Mausoleums and tombs scattered factories on the Appian Way, five miles from the Porta S. Sebastiano.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate VII. View of the ancient Appian Way, which passes under the walls of `Ustrine.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate VI. View the remains above ground of the ancient Ustrine and relevant to the same factories.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate V. Construction details of walls Entries Ustrine.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate LV. The pincers of Vitruvius.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate LIV. Way in which they were raised big travertine, marble and other produce in the large tomb of Cecilia Metella.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate LIII. Marble urn with a lid found in the Mausoleum of Cecilia Metella.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate LII. View of the back side of the Mausoleum of Cecilia Metella.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate LI. Part of the facade of the Tomb of Cecilia Metella Take ornaments that exist today.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate L. Plan and construction details of the Mausoleum of Cecilia Metella.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate IX. Plan of the tomb outside Porta S. Sebastian on the ancient Appian Way in the Vineyard of the Buonamici from Capo di Bove.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate IV. Part of the great Wall, which surrounded the large area of `Ustrine.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate III. Part of the ancient Appian Way about five miles from the Porta S. Sebastiano.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate II. Following the above table.
The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate I. Cover Page. Over a large cinerary urn broken bones and between the lamps, and recorded the title.
The Roman antiquities, t. 2, Plate XLVIII. Plan of some burial chambers discovered the year 1751 in the Villa of the five located outside Porta Salaria near Grotta Pallotta.
The Roman antiquities, t. 2, Plate XLVII. View the remains of some existing burial chambers on the ancient Via Appia outside the Porta S. Sebastiano.
The Roman antiquities, t. 2, Plate XLVI. Fragments of the burial chamber opposite the Church of St. Sebastian outside the walls (figures carved from Barbault).
The Roman antiquities, t. 2, Plate XLV. Fragments of the burial chamber opposite the Church of St. Sebastian outside the walls (figures carved from Barbault).
The Roman antiquities, t. 2, Plate XLIX. Inscriptions and fragments of the burial chambers of the Villa de `Five.
The Roman antiquities, t. 2, Plate XLIV. Interior view of the burial chamber in the Vineyard Gate S. Casali Sebastiano.
The Roman antiquities, t. 2, Plate LXIII. Remains of the Mausoleum of Augustus.
The Roman antiquities, t. 2, Plate LXII. Cutaway view of the Mausoleum of Augustus.
The Roman antiquities, t. 2, Plate LXI. Plan of the Mausoleum of Augustus.
The Roman antiquities, t. 2, Plate LX. A view of the magnificent tomb near the remains of the factory in Torre de `Schiavi outside Porta Maggiore.
The Roman antiquities, t. 2, Plate LVIII. Pile of marble urns, existing in the Villa Corsini outside Porta S. Pancrazio.
The Roman antiquities, t. 2, Plate LVII. Urns, memorials and vases of marble ashtray in the Villa Corsini outside Porta S. Pancrazio.
The Roman antiquities, t. 2, Plate LVI. Interior view of the burial chamber in the Vineyard Gate S. Casali Sebastiano.
The Roman antiquities, t. 2, Plate LV. Plan and the existing fragments of the burial chamber in the Vineyard Gate S. Casali Sebastiano.