Jean-Baptiste Oudry Paintings & Artworks

There are a total of 114 Jean-Baptiste Oudry Paintings & Artworks


Still Life with a Violin, a Recorder, Books, a Portfolio of Sheet of Music, Peaches and Grapes on a Table Top
Allegory of Air
Still Life with meat, kettle, cup, sugar loaf and sugar lumps
Still Life with a Violin
Hunting in the forest of Fontainebleau near Franc
Still Life of Dead Birds and Cherries
Dog and Hare
Meeting for the Puits-du-Roi Hunt in Compiegne
Still Life with a Leg of Veal
Hunting at the Saint-Jean Pond in the Forest of Compiegne
Dog with a wild duck
Barbet dog attacking a swan in its nest
The pate
Charles Francois
The Lacquer Stool
White Greyhound
Still life with fruits and game
Doe on the lookout
The Philosophy Lesson or The Triumph of Goodness
A dog
Hunting dogs and their trophies
Dog at a standstill
Swans, ducks and herons
Partridge hanging from a tree branch and two thrushes
Stag hunt
Portrait de Madame Desbarres
Portrait of a lady with a bouquet of flowers
The wolf and the lamb
Hunting Scene with Three Dogs and Rabbits
A dog attacking swans in an extensive Dutch landscape
Hunting still life with hares and birds
Still life with a basket of mushrooms
Portrait of a man with a brown suit and a hat
Hounds attacking a wolf
Dog catching a mallart
A pair of hunting trophy scenes
Attack of bird of prey on ducks
Half-body portrait of a man of quality wearing a long powdered wig, in a richly embroidered brown jacket, wrapped in a red drape, on a park background
Crane, flamingo and ducks near a stone basin
Sheep in the Field
Four Hunting Subjects, No. 1
Wolves Attacking Sheep
A Panel from a Porticoes Series
Men Attacking Wolves
The Adventure of the Chamber Pot, plate four from Scènes du Roman Comique
Spaniel Pursuing Ducks
Dog Pointing Pheasants
A Pointer and Partridges
Fox in the Poultry Yard
A Fox Stalking a Brace of Partridges
The dog
Cock, Hen and Chickens Surprised by a Fox
The Dead Roe
Harriers (Four Hounds)
Dead Game
Huntsman with a Tufter on a Leash
A Dog Pointing a Partridge
A Fox in the Farmyard