John Flaxman Illustration, Sculpture & Artworks

There are a total of 135 John Flaxman Illustration, Sculpture & Artworks


Relief of Christ in the Ucl Flaxman Gallery
Plaster Cast in the Ucl Flaxman Gallery
St Michael Overcoming Satan
John Moore in George Square, Glasgow
Memorial to Jane and Henrietta Browne, Mother and Wife of IH Browne, Badger Parish Church, Shropshire
Monument to Earl Howe, St Paul's Cathedral
Monument to William Miles
Brathwaite and Warre Memorials, Epsom
Memorial Sir. Barry Close, St. Mary's Cathedral, Madras
Memorial to Sarah Morley in Gloucester Cathedral
Apollo Preceding Hector with His Aegis, and Dispersing the Greeks
Adam and Eve Guarded by the Angels
Back View of a Woman with Child Looking over Her Shoulder
Study for a Monument to the Reverend John Clowes
Portrait of William Blake
"Illustration to Pilgrim's Progress
The Creation of the Heavens
Adoration of the Magi
Study of Three Lampstands
Study of a Gentleman, Called Dr. Johnson
Trees in the Villa Negroni Planted by M. Angelo
To Phoebus at His Birth, from Aeschylus, Furies
The Reverend Anthony Stephen Mathew
The Morn, All Beauteous to Behold, from Aeschylus, the Persians
Women Carrying a Child in Her Arms
Two Women Talking to a Man at a Counter
Two Women and a Child
William Pitt, Earl of Chatham
Sir Joseph Banks
Sir Isaac Newton
Portrait of Joseph Priestley
Plaque of Priestley
Portrait of Johann Heinrich Füssli
Carolus Linneaus
Augustus, Viscount Keppel
Pastoral Apollo
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad, 1st chant
Date:1793 - 1795
Title page
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad
Date:1793 - 1795
Illustration to the Iliad