Nicolas Poussin Paintings & Artworks

There are a total of 173 Nicolas Poussin Paintings & Artworks


The Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Midas at the Source of the River Pactolus
The Blind of Jericho
David's triumph
The Last Supper
The Birth of Venus
The Annunciation
The Adoration of the Golden Calf
The Battle
Mars and Venus
Venus and Mercury
Landscape with Saint John on Patmos
The Destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem by Titus
The Return of the Holy Family from Egypt
Saint John Baptizing in the River Jordan
The Conquest of Jerusalem by Emperor Titus
The Destruction and Sack of the Temple of Jerusalem
The Empire of Flora
The Triumph of David
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt
The Infant Bacchus Entrusted to the Nymphs of Nysa. The Death of Echo and Narcissus
The Judgment of Solomon
The Return of the Holy Family to Nazareth
Bacchic Scene or Nymph and Satyr drinking
Two putti fighting mounted on goats
The Nurture of Jupiter
Landscape with a Man Killed by a Snake
Noli Me Tangere
The Baptism of Christ
Saints Peter and John Healing the Lame Man
The Hunt of Meleager
The Baptism of Christ
The Return of the Holy Family to Nazareth
Bacchus Apollo
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt
King Midas Turns An Oak Branch to Gold
Nymphs and a Satyr
Eliezer and Rebecca at the Well
Apollo. Lover of Daphne
Eliezer and Rebecca
Echo and Narcissus
Saint John Baptizing the People
The Death of Sapphira
Theseus Finding His Fathers Sword
The Holy Family with Saints Elizabeth and John
The Holy Family with John Elizabeth and the Infant John the Baptist
The Deposition
The Garden of Eden
The Triumph of Silenus
Date:1660 - 1664
Winter (The Flood)
Date:1660 - 1664
The Summer (Ruth and Boaz)
Date:1660 - 1664
Spring (The Earthly Paradise)
Date:1660 - 1664
Autumn (The Spies with the Grapes of the Promised Land)
Hagar and the Angel
Blind Orion Searching for the Rising Sun
The Flight into Egypt
The birth of Bacchus
Date:1655 - 1657
Rest on the escape to Egypt