Northern Renaissance Paintings & Artworks

This topic has a total of 3274 Northern Renaissance Paintings & Artworks


Hans Holbein the Younger , 1523
Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1523
Portrait of Desiderius Erasmus
Hans Holbein the Younger , c.1523
Portrait of a woman from southern Germany .
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1523
Death and the Miser, from The Dance of Death
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1522
The Solothurn Madonna
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1522
Oberried Altarpiece, right interior wing - The Birth of Christ
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1522
Oberried Altarpiece, left interior wing - The Adoration of the Magi
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1522
Head of a Woman
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1521
The Humiliation of the Emperor Valerian by the Persian King Sapor
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1521
The Body of the Dead Christ in the Tomb
Hans Holbein the Younger , c.1520
Diptych with Christ and the Mater Dolorosa
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1520
Design for the facade decoration of the dance house in Basel
Hans Holbein the Younger , c.1519
St. John the Baptist
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1519
Portrait of Bonifacius Amerbach
Hans Holbein the Younger , c.1518
Leaena Before the Judges
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1517
Portrait of a Boy with Chestnut Hair
Hans Holbein the Younger , c.1517
Presumed Portrait of the Artist's Wife
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1517
Portrait of Benedikt von Hertenstein
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1517
Adam and Eve
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1516
Portrait of a Boy with Blond Hair
Hans Holbein the Younger , c.1515 - c.1516
Head of a Male Saint
Hans Holbein the Younger , c.1515 - c.1516
Head of a Female Saint
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1516
Title page in the form of a Renaissance niche
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1516
St. Barbara
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1516
Signboard for a Schoolmaster
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1516
Principles of a schoolmaster, teaching scene for children
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1516
Portrait of Jakob Meyer zum Hasen
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1516
Portrait of Doprothea Meyer, nee Kannengiesser
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1516
Portrait of 34 year old Woman
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1516
Mayor Jakob Meyer zum Hasen
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1516
Dorothea Kannengiesser
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1516
A School Teacher Explaining the Meaning of a Letter to Illiterate Workers
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1515
Marginal illustration for Erasmus 'In praise of Folly'
Hans Holbein the Younger , 1515
Folly at the Lectern
Hans Holbein the Younger , c.1505
The Agony in the Garden
Hans Holbein the Younger , c.1501
Death of the Virgin
Marinus van Reymerswaele
Vocation of Saint Matthew
Marinus van Reymerswaele
Berufung Des Heiligen Matthäus
Marinus van Reymerswaele , c.1540
Two Tax-Gatherers
Gregorio Lopes
Salomé apresentando a cabeça do santo
Gregorio Lopes
Assunção da Virgem ladeada de anjos músicos
Gregorio Lopes , 1544
Gregorio Lopes , 1544
Adoração dos Pastores
Gregorio Lopes , 1539
Ressurreição de Cristo
Gregorio Lopes , 1539
Enterro de Cristo
Gregorio Lopes , 1539
Cristo no Horto
Gregorio Lopes , 1539
Adoração dos Pastores
Gregorio Lopes , 1536
Martírio de São Sebastião
Gregorio Lopes , 1530
Pregação de São João Baptista
Gregorio Lopes , 1530
Nascimento de São João Baptista
Gregorio Lopes , 1527
Gregorio Lopes , 1527
Morte da Virgem
Gregorio Lopes , 1524
Portrait of Vasco da Gama
Gregorio Lopes , 1520
Apresentação do Menino no Templo
Bernard Van Orley
The Annunciation
Bernard Van Orley
The final judgment and the burying of the dead
Bernard Van Orley
Four Scenes from the Passion
Bernard Van Orley
Triptych (middle panel) Christ Falls, with the Cross, Before a City Gate
Bernard Van Orley
Triptych with Christ on the cross and the seven sorrows and joys of Mary
Bernard Van Orley
Agony in the Garden