Palma il Giovane Paintings & Artworks

There are a total of 152 Palma il Giovane Paintings & Artworks


The Crucifixion of St Peter
Return of the Prodigal Son
St Sebastian
Maria Mit Kind
Hl. Hieronymus
Toter Christus, Von Engeln Beweint
Niccolo Da Ponte, Doge Von Venedig
Beweinung Christi
David Vencedor De Goliat
Un Senador Veneciano
Conversión De San Pablo
La Piedad
Museo Di Castelvecchio
Museo Di Castelvecchio
Doge Pietro Loredan Beseeching the Virgin
Doge Francesco Venier Presents the Subject Cities to Venice
Conquest of Padua
The Last Judgement
Victory of Francesco Bembo over Filippo Maria Visconti
Presentation of Jesus Christ at the Temple
Doge Reniero Zeno and the Endowment of the Crociferi.
Pasquale Cicogna in the Church of the Crociferi Receives News of His Election to the Dogeship
Pasquale Cicogna in Dogal Robes Visiting the Church and Hospital of the Crociferi
Pasquale Cicogna Hearing Mass Celebrated in the Oratory of the Crociferi
David and Achimelech
Washing of the Feet
Doge Marino Morosini
Sacristia Di San Francesco Della Vigna, a Venizia. San Diego D'alcalá in Estasi
Sacristia Di San Francesco Della Vigna, a Venizia. San Bonaventura Nello Studio
Portrait of Pope Pius V
Portrait of a Collector
Ritratto di gentiluomo
Paolo Veronese
St. Benedict welcomes his disciples, Maurus and Placidus
Portrait of a Gentleman
Martirio di Santa Barbara
Die Heiligen Rochus Und Klara
Saint Sebastian
The Lamentation over the Dead Christ
Venus Und Mars
The Pool
Assunzione della Vergine
Apollo and Marsyas
Apollo and Marsyas
Ьaddalena in meditazione
Leda and the Swan
The Three Graces
San Domenico raccoglie le rose per la Madonna del rosario
Last Supper
Venus and Cupid at Vulcan's Forge
Woman of the Apocalypse
Venus and Mars
The Lamentation of Christ
The Painter Matteo da Lecce
Ecce Homo
La Resurrección
The Flagellation
Studies of Arms, Shoulders and Hands