Rembrandt Peale Paintings & Artworks

There are a total of 87 Rembrandt Peale Paintings & Artworks


General Samuel Smith
Painting of Benjamin Franklin Peale
Elijah Brush
Dr. John Warren
Portrait of Dewitt Clinton
Dr. David Hosack
Claude Louis Berthollet
Charles Hodge
Catharine Peabody Gardner
Niagara Falls (the Horseshoe Falles)
Alida Livingston Armstrong and Daughter
Portrait of John C. Calhoun
John Marshall
Portrait of Joseph Mcminn, Governor of Tennessee.
James Kent
Horatio Greenough
Girl at a Window (rosalba Peale)
John Pendleton
John Witherspoon
Portrait of John Warren
Portrait of United States Patriot and Diplomat John Armstrong Jr.
Title Jean Antoine Houdon
Charles Mathews
Portrait of Jane Griffith Koch
Portrait of Jacob Gerard Koch
Portrait of Governor John Hoskins Stone of Maryland
Portrait of the Cleric Charles Hodge
Pearl of Grief
Portrait of Henry Robinson
Portrait of Helen Miller (mrs. Charles G. Mclean)
Portrait of Dr. Meer
George Washington
Abigail Inskeep Bradford
Portrait of Jane Griffith Koch
Portrait of General Erastus Root
Richardson Stuart
Portrait of Rosalba Peale
John Marshall
The canadian side of Niagara falls
Portrait of American Revolutionary War Militia General and Us Senator from South Carolina, Thomas Sumter
William Washington
William Charles Macready as Virginius
Equestrian Portrait of George Washington
George Washington
Albert Gallatin
Portrait of Rubens Peale
Boy from the Taylor Family
William Henry Harrison
The Sisters (Eleanor and Rosalba Peale)
Portrait of Dr. David Hosack
Caroline Louisa Pratt Bartlett
Richard Colgate Dale Jr and Elizabeth Woodruff Dale
James Peale
Martha Washington
Man Reading by Candlelight
The Marquis de Lafayette
Portrait Of Commander Lewis Warrington
Thomas Sully
Idealized Portrait
Colonel Mendes Cohen