Romanticism Paintings & Artworks

This topic has a total of 923 Romanticism Paintings & Artworks


Gilbert Stuart , 1793
Dr. William Hartigan
Gilbert Stuart , 1786
Portrait of the Artist
Gilbert Stuart , 1785
John Philip Kemble
Gilbert Stuart , 1785
Isaac Barre
George Romney
Prospero and Miranda
George Romney
Lady Hamilton (as a Figure in 'Fortune Telling')
George Romney
Lady Emma Hamilton (1761–1815) as Cassandra
George Romney
King Lear in the Tempest Tearing off his Robes
George Romney
Head of an Apostle
George Romney
Head of an Apostle
George Romney
Ferdinand Leaping from the Ship (fragment of 'The Tempest Act I, Scene 1')
George Romney
George Romney
Alonso, King of Naples and Another Figure (fragment of 'The Tempest Act I, Scene 1')
George Romney
'A Midsummer Night's Dream', Act II, Scene 2, Titania Reposing with Her Indian Votaries
George Romney
A Courtier (fragment of 'The Tempest Act I, Scene 1')
George Romney , 1795
John McArthur (1755–1840), Writer on Naval Topics
George Romney , 1795
John Flaxman; Thomas Alphonso Hayley
George Romney , 1786
Lady Hamilton as Cassandra
George Romney , 1786
Emma Hart (1765–1815), as Miranda
George Romney , 1785
Emma Hart as The Spinstress
George Romney , 1782
Lady Hamilton as Circe
George Romney , 1775
Edward Wortley Montagu (1713–1776), MP
The Church of La Salute and the Grand Canal