Giovanni Battista Piranesi Etchings & Artworks

There are a total of 1346 Giovanni Battista Piranesi Etchings & Artworks


Plan of the existing factories in the Villa Adriana, with a dedication to St. M Stanislaus Augustus, King of Poland
Plan of the existing factories in the Villa Adriana, with a dedication to St. M Stanislaus Augustus, King of Poland
Plan of a two-story house
Plan in the great Temple of Isis
Plan broad, magnificent ancient College Gyms formed over the idea of `the Greeks, and Thermal de` Romani
Plan and vertical sections of the castle
Plan and sections of the Hypogeum of the Scipios
Plan and elevation rear of the Temple of the Sibyl at Tivoli
Plan and elevation of the second Temple Tuscan Vitruvius
Plan and elevation of the second tavern on the right
Plan and elevation of the monument of the Waters and Julia Marcia Tepula Porta St. Lorenzo
Plan and elevation of the kitchen in the same
Plan and elevation of the castle ruins stripped of any building addition
Plan and elevation of a restaurant
Plan and cross section of the first tavern
Piedeistallo other side of the relief (two branches)
Pieces of columns, capitals, fragments of marble friezes and ornaments
Pieces of columns and capitals
Pieces of columns and capitals
Piazza San Pietro
Piano prospettico del capitello all`ingresso della casa prospiciente la Basilica
Perspective view of Thermopolium
Perspective view of a hotel
Perspective view
Perspective of the same monument
Perspective of the ruins of the aqueduct
Perspective of the rear
Perspective of the front of the Castle Ruins
Perspective of one of the sides, and construction details of the five branches of the orifice of the aqueduct
Perspective of New Square in Padua
Perspective of New Square in Padua
Perspective of New Square in Padua
Perspective angle of the same vessel
Pedestal of Trajan`s Column
Pedestal of the same relief (two branches)
Pedestal of the same relief (two branches)
Pedestal and base of Trajan`s Column
Paterae, and utensils with a handle to draw water, found in Pompeii
Parts of the Forum of Nerva
Part of the back of the Pantheon with the remains of the Baths of Agrippa which are supported
Part of the ancient Via Appia outside the Porta St. Sebastian about three miles
Part of the ancient Via Appia outside the Porta of St. Sebastian about three miles
Part of a wall of marble found in Hadrian`s Villa in 1779, decorated like a pillar, with arabesques, figures of Bacchae and animals, and a terracotta frieze
Paris sat
Pan and Syrinx
Overview of the Capitoline Lapides
St. Jerome in the act of writing, by Guercino
Other weapons and armor, different from the above table
Other vertical sections of the castle and plant
Other statement of the curule chair, already illustrated in the preceding tables
Other similar basins, found in Pompeii
Other shells, and Greek vases etched outline
Other greek marble bas-relief with Hercules and Omphale, exists in the same Museum (inc F Piranesi)
Ornaments and accessories of the same Tavern
Original sin and expulsion from the Garden of Eden
Orestes and Electra
Orc, Lucina and Morandini, by Giovanni Lanfranco
One side of the sedan, a dresser, and various other objects and decorative details
One of the Dioscuri of the Quirinal