Giovanni Battista Piranesi Etchings & Artworks

There are a total of 1346 Giovanni Battista Piranesi Etchings & Artworks


The Virgin and Child in half-figure in her arms, from Guercino
Old man`s head in profile
Old man`s head in profile
Old Capitol that was lit for about one hundred steps
Obelisk lateran
ntique vase of marble with intertwining vines and pine and the figure of a wolf
Niobe and her daughter
Neptune and Thetis
Musaico floor-length in the country house of Stella
Moses, the Tablets of the Law
More insight into the workshop in the following table
Moldings of the same monument
Modinature in large parts of the Temple of Honor and Virtue
Modinature frames
Modinatura in great internal order of the first of the Pantheon
Modesty and Vanity
Miracles worked by a saint
Metal pin in the room
Metal mirrors, hairpins, pins and other toilet articles
Mercury and Psyche
Memberships of ancient baths with stairs leading to the Gymnasium and the Theatre
Meleager and Atalanta
Meander to the floor in mosaic found in the country house
Mausoleum of Santa Elena
Matches of wood that closed the door itself
Mars seated
Marble tripod dedicated to Apollo, found in the Villa of Cicero Tuscolana
Marble tomb found in 1765 on the Via Labicana together with two vases and a lamp
Marble table found in the triclinium of the Priests, and bolt the door of the cell of the Temple of Isis (inc. in outline)
Map of the Antonine column
Map of Temple Toscano and column bases (by Vitruvius, second Perrault)
Map of Rome and the Campus Martius with the relevant Index and dedication to Clement XIII in three sheets, and title listed
Map of Rome and the Campus Martius with the relevant Index and dedication to Clement XIII in three sheets, and title listed
Map of Rome and the Campus Martius with the relevant Index and dedication to Clement XIII in three sheets, and title listed
Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist
Madonna and Child
Lovers Bordone
Love triumphant
Half figure depicting a priest with the holy water, by Guercino
Lot, by Guido Reni
Longitudinal section of the staircase leading to the tomb aforesaid
Location of the Circus Maximus
Lights of glasses, or measures established by the ancients to the granting of water pipelines
Leftovers behind the pronaos of which the above table
Lateral part of the Pantheon remains of the Baths of Agrippa which are supported
Large urn with reliefs of the labors of Hercules, and cover in the form of bier (Plazza Orsini), and a lamp of brass
Large part of the magnificent doorway
Large bronze paten destined to the worship of Mars at Pompeii (inc. in outline)
Kitchen utensils
Jupiter Love Shakes
Jupiter and Ganymede
Jupiter and Antiope Palma