Mannerism Paintings & Artworks

This topic has a total of 2159 Mannerism Paintings & Artworks


Otto van Veen , 1613
Brinio Raised Upon the Shield
Otto van Veen , 1608
The Raising of Lazarus
Otto van Veen , c.1590 - c.1599
The Lamentation of Christ
Otto van Veen , 1590 - 1594
The Last Supper
Otto van Veen , 1592
The Last Supper
Otto van Veen , 1589
The Mystical Marriage of Saint Catherine
Otto van Veen , 1584
The Artist Painting, Surrounded by His Family
Barbara Longhi , 1605
Madonna Adoring the Child
Barbara Longhi , 1605
Dama con l'unicorno
Barbara Longhi , 1595
Virgin and Child with Saint
Barbara Longhi , 1589
Saint Catherine of Alexandria (presumed self-portrait)
Barbara Longhi , 1585
Madonna and Child
Lavinia Fontana
Pope Gregory XIII
Lavinia Fontana
Portrait of Five Women with a Dog and a Parrot
Lavinia Fontana
Portrait of a lady with a dog
Lavinia Fontana
Bianca degli Utili Maselli, holding a dog and surrounded by six of her children
Lavinia Fontana , 1613
Minerva Dressing
Lavinia Fontana , c.1598 - 1600
Apollo and the Muses (Parnassus)
Lavinia Fontana , 1600
Judith with the Head of Holofernes
Lavinia Fontana , 1599
Consecration to the Virgin
Lavinia Fontana , 1595
Portrait of Antonietta Gonzalez
Lavinia Fontana , 1595
Portrait of Ginevra Aldrovandi Hercolani
Lavinia Fontana , 1592
Venus and Cupid
Lavinia Fontana , 1590
Portrait of a Lady of the Court
Lavinia Fontana , 1589
Portrait of Gerolamo Mercuriale
Lavinia Fontana , 1584
Portrait of the Coozzadini Family
Lavinia Fontana , 1584
Assumption of the Virgin with Saints Peter Chrysologus, and Cassian
Lavinia Fontana , 1583
Newborn Baby in a Crib
Lavinia Fontana , 1581
Noli me tangere
Lavinia Fontana , 1581
The Holy Family with Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Lavinia Fontana , 1580
Portrait of a Noblewoman
Lavinia Fontana , 1580
Portrait of a Couple
Lavinia Fontana , 1578
Holy Family with Saints Margaret and Francis
Lavinia Fontana , 1577
Self-Portrait at the Clavichord with a Servant
Lavinia Fontana , 1560
The Adoration of the Magi
Hans von Aachen
St. George Slaying the Dragon
Hans von Aachen
Portrait of the goldsmith Jacopo Bilivert (1550-1603)
Hans von Aachen
Portrait of a gentleman
Hans von Aachen , 1959
Allegorie on the battle of Șelimbăr
Hans von Aachen , 1567 - 1615
Mercury and Ceres flying through the air
Hans von Aachen , 1615
David and Bathsheba
Hans von Aachen , 1612
Portrait of a man, possibly Johannes Kepler
Hans von Aachen , 1612
Portrait of a girl (Maria Maxmiliana)
Hans von Aachen , 1612
Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor, as King of Bohemia
Hans von Aachen , 1610
Matchmaking scene
Hans von Aachen , 1608
Portrait of Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor
Hans von Aachen , 1606
Virgin and Child
Hans von Aachen , 1605
Pan and Selene
Hans von Aachen , 1605
Boy with grapes
Hans von Aachen , 1604
The Three Graces
Hans von Aachen , 1604
Portrait of Anna of Austria (1585-1618)
Hans von Aachen , 1604
Allegory on the declaration of war before Constantinople
Hans von Aachen , 1604
Allegory on the conquest of Stuhlweißenburg (Székesfehérvár)
Hans von Aachen , 1604
Allegory on the battle of Sisak
Hans von Aachen , 1604
Allegorie on the battle of Gurăslău
Hans von Aachen , 1604
Allegorie on the battle of Braşov
Hans von Aachen , 1602
Allegory of Peace, Art, and Abundance
Hans von Aachen , 1600
The liberation of Andromeda
Hans von Aachen , 1600
The fall of Phaëton
Hans von Aachen , 1600
Hercules defeating the vices