Mannerism Paintings & Artworks

This topic has a total of 2159 Mannerism Paintings & Artworks


Hans von Aachen , 1600
Ecce Homo
Hans von Aachen , 1600
Bacchus, Ceres and Amor
Hans von Aachen , 1600
Adonis held back by Venus while going hunting
Hans von Aachen , 1598
Venus, Cupid and a satyr
Hans von Aachen , 1598
Allegory or The Triumph of Justice
Hans von Aachen , 1596
Couple with a mirror
Hans von Aachen , 1596
Coronation of Mary
Hans von Aachen , 1596
A couple at a guesthouse
Hans von Aachen , 1595
Bacchus, Venus and Cupid
Hans von Aachen , 1593
Pallas Athena, Venus and Juno
Hans von Aachen , 1590
The Amazement of the Gods
Hans von Aachen , 1590
Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
Hans von Aachen , 1588
The judgment of Paris
Hans von Aachen , 1587
The rape of Proserpine
Hans von Aachen , 1585
Portrait of Joseph Heintz
Hans von Aachen , 1585
Portrait of Jacopo Biliverti
Hans von Aachen , 1580
Augustus and the Tiburtine Sibyl
Hans von Aachen , 1574
Two laughing men (double self-portrait)
Hans von Aachen , 1574
Martin Kober , 1596
Portrait of Władysław Vasa, son of King Sigismund III of Poland
Martin Kober , 1596
Portrait of Anna Maria Vasa, daughter of King Sigismund III of Poland
Martin Kober , c.1586
Portrait of Queen Anna Jagiellon as a widow
Martin Kober , 1591
Miniature portrait of King Sigismund III Vasa
Martin Kober , 1598
Miniature of Sigismund Vasa and Anna Habsburg
Martin Kober , 1587
Portrait of Andreas Jerin
Martin Kober , 1595
Portrait of Daniel Kubínyi
Martin Kober , c.1595
Portrait of Queen Anne of Austria
Martin Kober , 1583
Portrait of King Stephen Bathory
Martin Kober , 1576
Portrait of Anna Jagiellon in coronation robes
Martin Kober , c.1595
Portrait of Queen Anna Jagiellon in a widow costume
Martin Kober , c.1583
Portrait of King Stephen Báthory of Poland
Martin Kober , 1598
Miniature of Anna Maria Vasa and Władysław Vasa
Martin Kober , 1598
Miniature of Queen Anna Habsburg
Martin Kober , 1595
Anne of Austria, Queen of Poland
Martin Kober , 1590
King Sigismund III of Poland-Lithuania and Sweden
Martin Kober , 1586
Portrait of Stephen Báthory
Palma il Giovane
The Crucifixion of St Peter
Palma il Giovane
Return of the Prodigal Son
Palma il Giovane
St Sebastian
Palma il Giovane
Maria Mit Kind
Palma il Giovane
Hl. Hieronymus
Palma il Giovane
Toter Christus, Von Engeln Beweint
Palma il Giovane
Niccolo Da Ponte, Doge Von Venedig
Palma il Giovane
Beweinung Christi
Palma il Giovane
David Vencedor De Goliat
Palma il Giovane
Un Senador Veneciano
Palma il Giovane
Conversión De San Pablo
Palma il Giovane
La Piedad
Palma il Giovane
Museo Di Castelvecchio
Palma il Giovane
Museo Di Castelvecchio
Palma il Giovane
Doge Pietro Loredan Beseeching the Virgin
Palma il Giovane
Doge Francesco Venier Presents the Subject Cities to Venice
Palma il Giovane
Conquest of Padua
Palma il Giovane
The Last Judgement
Palma il Giovane
Victory of Francesco Bembo over Filippo Maria Visconti
Palma il Giovane
Presentation of Jesus Christ at the Temple
Palma il Giovane
Doge Reniero Zeno and the Endowment of the Crociferi.
Palma il Giovane
Pasquale Cicogna in the Church of the Crociferi Receives News of His Election to the Dogeship
Palma il Giovane
Pasquale Cicogna in Dogal Robes Visiting the Church and Hospital of the Crociferi
Palma il Giovane
Pasquale Cicogna Hearing Mass Celebrated in the Oratory of the Crociferi